Solid Rock Tasmania excavators
Rockwall Specialists
Solid Rock Tasmania excavators


Solid Rock Tasmania are a Hobart based business servicing all the Southern area of Tasmania from Triabunna to Tasman Peninsular down to Southport and the Huon region

Do you want to have the best looking garden in your area?  We will create a landscaping solution that will look good from every angle and leave your neighbours envious.

Solid Rock Tasmania are able to transform even the most mundane outdoor area into a thriving, living masterpiece for you to enjoy for years to come.Whether you require a level lawn, or some terracing, we can manage the entire project so you don't have to.

Solid Rock Tasmania is a family owned and operated business, managed by Peter Ryan. A seasoned industry professional who has been involved in the earth-moving industry for over 30 years. As a respected local tradesman, Peter provides easy to understand advice and believes in old fashion values and service. Put simply, "we will do what we say we will do".

Our regular projects include:

  • Landscaping
  • Flagstones & paving
  • Rock walls & retaining walls
  • Rock sawn and hand picked steps
  • Feature stones and objects
  • Plants and trees supplies
  • Soil, mulch and materials supplied and placed
  • Ponds & water features

"Your job is our business and we won't leave until your job is completed"

Our Projects

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